Thursday, February 26, 2009

That'll be $30 please...

Went to the therapist today. Hoping to get some assistance in how to deal with stress. First they need background of what's been going on to CAUSE the stress.

The therapist said, "I'm surprised you're not homicidal" (jokingly of course) She said that everything that I've been feeling is normal and not overreacting. She thought, in fact, I was underreacting and allowing HU to manipulate/control me. =/

After I got back, I was feeling a bit better, not quite as "OMG AM I JUST BEING SO OVER-THE-TOP RIDICULOUS??"....

Michelle started in on the "blue sheets" that we want her to start so we can get up to date grades/missing assignments rather than wait 3 weeks for grades to be posted. I told her I give up. Do the sheets or don't, I'm trying to help her get her phone back and she doesn't even want to try.

HU texted me (didn't even have the courtesy to call)and said his girl-friend has to go to court over a DUI or DWI and wants to call him tonight because she'll be upset. Sorry that's too much her-leaning-on-him for my comfort level.

I tried to talk to him about it...he dismissed it as me not having "proof" that she wants more than to just be friends. I told him he needs to set limits and boundaries and he's getting too involved in this particular co-worker's life. He still wants to say that I'm overreacting and making too much out of nothing. Sorry if it's so much nothing, it shouldn't be an issue to break it off, or at the VERY least back off. Too close for my comfort, respect it or get out.

He said we'll figure it'll be ok. I think he's slowly realizing I really can't take this anymore. Not sure if that matters to him or not, but he's starting to realize it nonetheless.

I'm trying to give him some freedom, trying not to be controlling and demanding, I'm trying to keep an open mind and I DO trust him (at this point) that he's taking this as an innocent friendship and wants nothing more. It's her I don't trust. I'm not sure he sees it completely or ever will...time will tell. For now, I continue to hurt and not sure how much more hurt I can handle without crumbling completely.

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