Monday, February 7, 2011

Some days I wonder why I was put here...

Ugh... took a half day off today. Planned to go to the grocery, and then come home and relax. Came home and Michelle was in a boy-induced-drama-filled-state of being. I had to try and calm her down. Then Eric texts me to take away Steph's phone. She's apparently not been turning in her classwork. I go to get her phone and she's wearing a halter top shirt (cut WAY low) which she said is a "dress". It's a hoochie mamma shirt that you would go clubbin' in. Needless to say, I told her she looked like a slut and she is NOT to wear that shirt outside of our house...ever. Her freakin' mom sent it to her?!?! Now her mom's texting Eric stating I need to apologize to her. EXCUSE ME?!? I'm here raisning YOUR daughter because you can't (or won't) and you're gonna tell me what to say in my home? Mind you, I didn't say she IS a slut, said she LOOKED like one wearing crap like that. She's not even 13 yet and runnin' around tryin' to look like she's 24. It's just awful, and I'm always the one sayin' what she's got on is inappropriate. (Maybe I'm just too much of a conservative prude... *sigh*)

Then I go to take Michelle to her night class and I hit a DOG... I've never hit anything in my life. I avoid squirrels and bunnies that jet out in front of my car, and tonight, with my already upset ready for a breakdown daughter in my car, I hit a freakin' DOG?!? :( :( :( I felt so horrible, but I couldn't bear to see if it was ok. I had to get her to class and we had to drop off her medicine to her dad's for tomorrow on the way too. She was hysterical and I'm just a mess right now.

I want to think I'm supposed to be the glue that holds all this crap together, but what do you do when the glue breaks down?!?