Monday, February 16, 2009

So the story goes...

Take care of yourself first so that you can take care of others.

Remember the last time you flew in an airplane? That snooty little blonde airline "attendant" gave you instructions to put the oxygen on yourself then fasten your child's?? That's what I need to do...not listen to the blonde, just take care of myself. He looks out for A-#1, right? It's high time for me to do the same.

I've made an appointment to see a doctor. My stomach is ripped apart from all this stress and I haven't eaten substantially or slept much in about 5 days. I half hope and pray he gives me some xanex or something to calm my nerves...then again, how will I know when it's appropriate to take them? I don't want to be a zombie, but I don't want to be like this anymore either...

I've mad an appointment with a therapist, too. I need to learn healthier ways to deal with stress.

I went to the gym today and renewed my membership there. Worked out on the elliptical for 10 mins (gotta start slow, don't judge me!) :) and then walked on the track a few times around. They say exercise is a good stress reliever...I may end up looking like a buff Arnold Schwartzenegger by the time this is all done if so. We'll see.

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