Monday, September 21, 2009

No great title, just a post

I usually try to come up with some little catchy title for my blogs. Not today, just not creative enough to even think of an amusing little saying that would fit. Last night I was in bed by 9pm, crying and just plain depressed. My son, God love him, seems to be the only one that really wants to be part of my life. HU wants to be with me (in every sense of that word), yet leave me out of half of the things going on with him. Not sure that it's intentional...that's just the way he's wired I think. And I'm really quite tired of feeling like an outsider or like I don't matter to him. He does little things for me from time to time, which helps. I know it's a problem with ME that I feel like he's going through our life without regard to my feelings. Just dunno how to change it. My daughter only wants one thing: to be with the love of her life (teen love...pssh whatever!) every single minute of every single day. Which, is not a bad thing, but it's really almost bordering obsessive, which upsets me.

I'm at a point in my life that I feel trapped in my job, wondering what the heck I'm doing with my life in general, and wondering what I need to do to change things. I seriously feel like a hamster, you know in one of those wheels. Spinning, spinning, spinning, and not really ever getting anywhere...

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