Friday, April 24, 2009

Calming down

I'm finally starting to really get settled in at work. Things are calming down a bit for me there.

If I could just get my personal life under control that'd be amazing. HU and I got into a big argument this evening over ... Facebook of all things. I posted a message that I won't be checking my facebook page for...awhile. He asked why. I told him because I don't need to see him "flirting" and making lunch dates with other women. It hurts too much and he just wants to blame me for being "ridiculous".

I'm tired of my feelings being dismissed by him and made to feel like my feelings don't matter. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of feeling like an outsider in my own life.

Worst part is: I can't talk to him at all anymore without it turning into a huge all out disagreement. We have NOTHING in common and I'm not sure I enjoy his company at all anymore.

I'm just tired. All I wanted to do was remove the facebook IN YOUR FACE at me from my life so I can focus on the important things. Life's too short to be unhappy.

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