Sunday, March 1, 2009


More than a great song by the Beatles

Yesterday HU and I went to breakfast...I was upset about the calls to the girl, the calls to the gun shops, but I went anyway. I'm really trying to let things NOT affect me and move on. We can't move forward if I can't move on. HOWEVER, before I yell at myself for being a door mat, I tell myself to "proceed with caution". I'm not dismissing what I found...or ignoring it. The calls to the girl thing--I'm storing it up in my mind for when it's needed. The gun thing--I need to address. It's dangerous and we need to talk about it. It's just one more example of how he does things I have NO CLUE about and I'm just supposed to be "OK" with what he does. Again, I decided I can't let it "get to me" because there could be (there always is according to him) some LOGICAL explanation as to what's going on. I just can't think of any...

Anyway, we had a nice breakfast and headed to the furniture store to look at sofas. I need a new one and we're getting a good bit back from income taxes for a refund. My last sofa was purchased for about $500 I think and that was 13 years ago. It's ripped, and uncomfy. I bought a fabric cover from Target about 5 years ago just to hide it's's still uncomfy though, and now the fabric cover needs replacing. Spend $70-100 for a new cover, or bite the bullet and get a new sofa. We went to about 7 different stores and all the sofas I wanted were too big for the small area we have to work with. In the end we went with a DARK chocolate brown (almost looks black) modular sectional that we can configure to fit however we need it to. All in all I guess I'm happy with it. It should seat 6-7 folks comfortably, right now we have seating for 3. That was my main concern with a new sofa...if we're going to spend the money, it's going to seat more folks! The material is fabric, but looks like leather (or pleather??). So it almost looks like a black leather, but it's really dark brown fabric. /shrug Probably too contemporary for our room, but we want to tear our living room apart and re-do it steps. Hopefully the sofa will last another 13 years. We ended up paying $1200 for it including delivery, tax, and an insurance protection program that will repair/replace it for the next 5 years if something happens. So at least it should last 5 years... LOL

His daughter texts him while we're out (we've been gone like 4 hours by now!) and asks can he take her to a breakfast place tomorrow, just the two of them. Because I always complain that the food's messed up at that place. Here's a novel idea, pick a different f'ing place you little brat! He DID say he texted back that she's being rude. We got home and I told her "sorry it took so long, we were looking at getting a new sofa"...she walked away and said nothing. (later she said that she said "alright" but was too soft so I didn't hear her) HU made her come back and yelled at her for being disrespectful. I pointed out to her that I've been trying not to yell at her unnecessarily, but by golly if she breaks rules, she WILL be disciplined. I do all sorts of things "special" for her...set limits, she exceeds them. The other day she wanted a snack after school, she's diabetic and it was 4:30pm. I told her no, too close to dinner, don't want level readings out of whack. She argued her dad lets her have a snack all the time. I told her no again and she stormed off. The next day I got her slim jims and sugar free ice pops. Like 1-3g of carbs per snack and told her if she wants a snack she can have 2 slim jims or 1 ice pop for snack. That's it. Sorry if she wants something else, too bad. Be glad she has anything at all. That same day, I had to go down to her room to help her hang a poster (that HU was too lazy to get off his ass to find any tape...) and found 4 slim jim wrappers. I asked her why there was 4 wrappers...she said "I forgot". *sigh* I told her next time, I won't buy her any snacks at all if she can't control herself and follow the rules. It's a constant battle with her, but hopefully yesterday she realized I'm not "against" her. HU told her she could buy a new camera with her money saved up. Mind you, her camera works fine, she LOST the charger cord. *facepalm* So we go to best buy and she gets a new $109 camera. Why does an 11 year old need a 10mega pixel $109 camera?!?! Whatever. I didn't fight about it, it's her money to spend, let her spend it. I DID however set the expectation that she best take VERY good care of it and all it's parts as it's the last camera she'll be getting for a VERY LONG TIME! (she destroys everything she owns btw) *rolls eyes*

Went back to furniture store after best buy and bought the aforementioned sofa, it'll be delivered next week. YAY! Went to the PBR (Pro Bull Riding) event at the arena last night. While it was entertaining, it wasn't really my cup of tea. It was a lot of time between contestants and they stayed on the bulls for 8 seconds max. woohoo. LOL There was a "rodeo clown" that entertained between rides, so at least that was fun to watch. HU asked if I'd go back again and I told him sure, but I wouldn't waste money on better seats. We got nosebleed tix for $10 ea and they were fine IMO. I'm really trying to do more things he likes to do. March 21st we're supposed to go to some AMA Motocross race or's dirt bikes. Not sure if it's racing or if it's tricks on bikes. Also not my cup of tea, but I'll go and I'll try to have a good time so HE has a good time.

We'll see what today holds. I'm the only one awake and not sure what's planned. We were going to have dinner with a mutual friend from his work, but she had to cancel...dont' think her partner liked the last minute plans. heh

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