Monday, March 2, 2009

How to get motivated....

I have so much to do at work...things to pack up and get ready to ship out. Things to CLEAN up that have been there for 30+ years (bleh).

I have 3 evaluations to get done by the end of this month and tons of meetings scheduled throughout the month as well.

HUs got more OT scheduled and I just don't know how I'm going to get it all done.

I may need to re-schedule my colonoscopy until April...may be easier for everyone involved if I do. It's not emergent, so I feel like I should just put it off. I had it scheduled for the 23rd of March (Michelle's birthday) but found out that one of my employees needs to be out of the office that afternoon to get signed up for school. Will leave 2 for the afternoon, which should be doable, but I hate to put folks in that bind. PLUS...we're going to the AMA Motocross event (HU and I) Sat night, so we were going to do Michelle's bday celebration on Sunday. Can't do THAT if I'm clear liquid diet the entire day before the test.

I just can't bring myself to do much of anything lately. A load of laundry or dishes here or there, but that's about it. I have read a bit, I got a wii fit and worked out on that on Friday afternoon, but other than that...I mope. I hate feeling like this and I don't know what to do to change it. So I need to get motivated at work now too as deadlines are crunching away at my being. Crazy that We have exactly one month before the branch surreal.

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