Friday, May 21, 2010

Let's end this meeting on a high note

Through all of my stress and turmoil, my self-inflicted frenzy of frustration, my Mom has been my sounding board and I love her.

My very good friend Kathy's mom passed away recently (back in March) and it hit home for me...I hope I have many more years to come with my Mom, but I know she won't be here forever.

I call her almost daily and she lets me drone on and on about all the goings on here. I call her when I need a recipe or cooking advice, I call her when I need nothing at all. Sometimes I go days without calling her and she starts to worry if eveyrthing's ok.

Today I called her and she was on the gambling boat with her sister. My Aunt, God love her too, has even more to deal with than I do I think. So although I had some more stress to spew out of me, I told her to have a great time, to tell MFA (my favorite Aunt)hello, good luck, and no, nothing's new, I was just checking in. She was there for fun, I wanted her to have it. Time I stop being so selfish.

She's kept me somewhat sane through all of this...she still loves me when I snap at her without meaning to, and she and my Dad have been super supportive of me in all of my ups and downs.

In just about two weeks, I'll be going with my oldest sister and my mom to visit my middle sister near Kansas City. Theresa and Mom go to visit Ronda every year, but I haven't been able to go for one reason or another. I've gone by myself with the kids, or with Eric to visit Ronda, but haven't been able to make the annual trip with Theresa and Mom yet. This will be the first year, and I'm excited to spend the time...just us girls with Mom. Mom's warned me that we're just going to relax, they don't do anything but visit and sit outside (sounds HEAVENLY right now), but secretly I hope the four of us do something least one event to remember the trip by. Even if we don't, I'll bring some board games, there's always cards, and maybe we'll look through some old photos or something.

All in all, I just wanted to end the night on a positive, uplifting note, and I hope to blog soon about the great trip I was able to take with my mom spending time with her and my sisters! <3

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